CFE realise its mission through consultation and in partnership with the community and stakeholders it serves. We operate and manage a socialised food supply chain, which is focused on delivering fresh fruit & vegetables of the highest quality and at the best possible price. Based on this socialised supply chain and working in partnership with local people, statutory/voluntary organisations and local businesses, we have developed a balanced and comprehensive range of innovative, community based services and interventions, which we deliver through the following strands:
To improve the health and wellbeing of employees, CFE offers a daily delivery of fresh fruits directly to employers’ workplace. Research has shown that eating fresh fruits regularly provides the following benefits:
Improve the health and wellbeing of employees.
Motivate staff.
Improve morale and job satisfaction.
Increase productivity.
Reduce breaks.
Reduce staff absentees as a result of a healthier workforce.
CFE procure food that is surplus to requirement and redistribute it exclusively to charities/community organisations that are located in the seven London Boroughs that forms East London.
CFE also work with Feedback Global’s Gleaning Network and collect produce from Farms (between September and March). We also enjoy an excellent working relationship with Plan Zheroes.
We also have Food Donation Point's established at local Sainsbury's & Lidl's in Newham which can be found on the link below
CFE uses its unique infrastructure to support community organisations that offers services such as food co-ops (providing quality fruits & veg. at affordable prices).
Other services provided by CFE include:
purchasing/delivering produce
administration support e.g preparing weekly price list
Without the work of our CSS unit, organisations we currently support will not be able to sustain their projects and vulnerable member of our community will suffer.
CFE fights food poverty by sourcing food that is surplus to requirement and redistrubuting it to frontline organisations helping those experiencing food poverty. This includes the homeless, sheltered housing residents, food banks and emergency response units exclusively in East London.
For further information about our services, please contact:
Eric Samuel MBE, CEO
Community Food Enterprise Limited
Unit 4a, Thameside Industrial Estate
Factory Road, London E16 2HB
T: 020 7511 9014
F: 020 7511 9015
The work of volunteers is crucial to the success of CFE’s operations and since our inception; we have been totally dependent on their goodwill. We very much hope that their support will continue with the following tasks which we have identified for them: Pickers/Packers; Warehouse Assistant; Drivers; Administrative Assistant; Mobile Green Grocer Assistant; Finance Assistant.